Gazlind – Sahara/Kiri [Buce Records]

Gazlind, the mystery producer behind some of the best remixes that have come into light over the last months, reveals his next original releases “Sahara” and “Kiri” on uprising Buce Records.

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Premiered by the masterminds of this label, Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman, in  episode #001, Gazlind's new inspiration follows his previous release “Trouble” on Nicky Romero's imprint Protocol. “Sahara” and “Kiri” are two pure progressive productions, which escalate melodically over some well-worked “Gaz” sounds and basslines throughout the tracks.

Gazlind has remixed Seinabo Sey's “Hard Time” in a notable package you've likely heard before, and released a remix of 's “To The Sun” on Axtone, all while being anonymous.



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Even though, the identity of this mysterious artist -or group of artists- still remains unknown, the fuzz around Gazlind becomes greater every day. Unclear if a duo or a single producer, Gazlind has been strongly linked to be Sweden's Dimitri Vangelis of the duo that includes Wyman due to a slew of cross-promoted social media postings.

However, still unconfirmed, we can only enjoy the mysterious bigwig and the already released and forthcoming music.

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