Following their smashing collaboration with Corey James Swedish duo Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman have released their long-awaited track “Penny” on...
Having been tested by both music acts, Swedish duo Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman and British talent Corey James at various festival...
After more than two years of waiting and many versions played over the months, the highly-anticipated track “Born At Night”...
Previously considered as a collab between Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman and Matisse & Sadko, "Phantom" is finally released via Buce Records as a solo track.
Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman are finally back with Buce's new division Legion and its' debut track by Divolly & Markward x Nickobella, titled "Sensation".
Powerhouse Greek/Swedish duo Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman have teamed up with Spanish producers Brian Cross & Abel The Kid for...
Buce Records are very proud to present their latest release with Paul Green, Blake Light, and Envyro. Titled “Don’t Stop“, this great collaboration...
Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman‘s label Buce Records after almost four months of hiatus are about to unleash “Release Yourself“, a magnificent title...
Τheir latest release on their Buce Records label was ‘Legacy ‘, a pure title of progressive house that had marked the...
Edited masterfully by Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman, the highly-anticipated track of the Cypriot duo Jenia & Mr.Styles titled “Stories (read our previous articles here and here)” is...
Edited masterfully by Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman, the highly-anticipated track of the Cypriot duo Jenia & Mr.Styles titled “Stories” is at last set for release on...
Played for the first time in their Buce Radio Show #005 back in April 2016, Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman‘s highly-anticipated track “Legacy”...