avicii's sophomore album Stories has been widely regarded as a moment of creative reckoning for the experimental dance icon turned proficient pop producer.
With latest single ‘Broken Arrows‘ taking a more traditional approach to the young Swede's ever expanding sound, its official remixes call upon a wealth of fresh and fortified talents to don their hands to the album's next conversation starter.
Recent Refune signees m-22 kick-start the package with a key driven run at the country-tinted single, whilst long-serving Aussie duo The Aston Shuffle lower the tempo and execute a beat-savvy and bass-favoring interpretation of the track.
The wild card of the package, Kid's glitchy trap sound is a welcome surprise from the unknown talent, leaving At Night's own Didrick to land off the heels of his recent collaboration with Fall Out Boy with an uptempo and reassuringly high octane finale to the accomplished package.