eSQUIRE ft. Leanne Brown – Blackwater (eSQUIRE Late Night Remix) [AFTR:HRS/Spinnin]

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UK based DJ/producer eSQUIRE delivers music for the late hours! Its rhythmic percussion, blissful vocals from Leanne Brown and jolly synths are leading up to a subtle and deep drop that will make you dance the night away to this liberating tune.

Don't be afraid to drown in this “Blackwater” – to be released on Tiesto's label for deep house AFTR:HRS under the exclusive license of Spinnin' Rerords' umbrella!

The pressure is on when you come from Liverpool. If ever a city punched above its weight Liverpool is that city. You better be a world class footballer, have Hollywood looks or the voice of angel if you want to rise about the crowd on Merseyside.

So its hats off to Lee Squires AKA Esquire for building his brand into a globally recognised EDM player loved and followed well outside the city walls of Liverpool.

Born 29 years ago Esquire grew up in and alongside one sister and one brother. School was painless if forgettable, studies focused on computers which lead this self confessed nerd to university where he thankfully studied Audio Engineering.

Pre-Order “Blackwater” (eSQUIRE late night mix):…ight-mix/1985068

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