Klahr – Sapphire [Axtone]

Widely considered one of EDM's most promising rising duos, and known for their quality productions and attention to detail, & Wyman are premiering the one banger after another.

show 002 exclusives, except Gazlind's unique production, this time featured ‘s new amazing track titled “Sapphire“, which as we learn from the cover created by talented Philip A. Torricelli, will be released on .

Johannes Klahr music style from Gothenburg is a nod to the future sound of 's label and one of the most promising new talents on Axtone's roster, as we can assume from his remix on Adrian Lux's ‘Torn Apart” song.

[av_two_third first av_uid='av-4m5ylj'][/av_two_third]

[av_one_third av_uid='av-35do3r']Axtone Klahr[/av_one_third]



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