Still Young & Kosling

Still Young and Kosling release “When We Were Young” on SIZE Records

It's not often that Still Young releases new music but when they do, it's progressive gold. Out now on Steve Angello's SIZE Records is their latest track, ‘When We Were Young‘. They've teamed up with progressive upstart Kosling on this one so it's a mesh of old school and new school progressive.

Pushing their creative boundaries even further, Still Young return after their song ‘Is This Love' in which they transformed the reggae-infused hit into a club-facing track. ‘White Label (Is This Love)' focuses on a warped take of Bob Marley's powerful vocal before propelling into of electrifying breakdowns and fluttering synths.

‘When We Were Young' takes it back a few years to the early glory days of the 2010 progressive area. Drawing from soaring melodies and an uplifting bassline, the track will put a smile on any progressive lover's face. 

OMZ's feel-good vocals are also perfectly embedded beneath all the production. There is an amenable undertone behind his voice which invokes a sense of nostalgia. Such a feeling is especially apparent in the chorus when he sings, “When we were young (hey), when we were all so innocent”.

Huge props to Still Young and who really hit the progressive nail on this one. All of the song's elements effortlessly come together making this one of the best progressive tracks of the year.

Check out the track below to see for yourself or buy/stream it here.

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