KAYYA debut on Rambla Records with a hot tune called “My Mother”

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Romanian producer and DJ KAYYA debuts on Anderblast‘s rising label Rambla Records with a hot, sexy tune titled ‘My Mother‘.

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KAYYA‘s track is a mental journey, with an intense groove, obsessive percussions and dark samples that gives to the track that tasty touch. This single is perfect for different situations from the pre party to the after party. According to Rambla Records, “if you're a Dj, this record can't be missing in your collection“.

Cristina Curta aka KAYYA, born in Buchares raised in Italy, began her artistic career as a DJ, initially working in small clubs in Milan. In a short period of time KAYYA managed to land and play in the most important locations and clubs of Italy and abroad. Given ‘My Mother‘, KAYYA‘s genre and sound ranges from electronic music to Deep and Tech House.

My Mother‘ follows the 5th original release by Milaneze Loris Buono, who delivered “Technology“, a track with an intense club but techy vibes. Previously, Rambla Records revealed “Whale” remixes on the upcoming fellow native artists Havoc & Lawn, Game Over Djs, Dumbers and FunkyBeat. According to AnderblastRambla Records is a new reality in the Dance Music Industry. They claim they will not publish only tracks, but they will try everything to present music that creates emotions. “This is our philosophy: Innovation, Quality and Passion”, Anderblast state.

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