Gil Sanders and Sonny Noto create another insanely summery anthem “Sonata” [Free Download]

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Tiesto, , Martin Garrix and have supported Gil Sanders and Sonny Noto – and that sort of support doesn't come without good reason. The Italy and US based producers have their own unique and intricate style of production that has gained them their fame before now, and they show no signs of abating. Looking forward to a busy festival season, their new single ‘Sonata' is likely to be heard at shows all over the world in the coming months.

Immediately capturing the listener with addictive synth lines, you are transported in to a bustling crowd, waiting for the drop. Melodies combine beautifully to create an overall elegance often missing from current House music. Anticipation grows before the thunderous drop ensues and hits hard. Big bass and even fatter drum lines take hold and you quickly lose yourself in the beat.

Creating encapsulating Dance music is an ability Gil Sanders and Sonny Noto make look easy, but in reality it's one of the hardest arts to master. These guys know how to work a crowd, and know exactly how to make people tick when it comes to vibe-infused, summery anthems. Another triumph for the duo, showing the hype around their names is not misplaced.

Available as a free download, Gil and Sonny have been kind enough to let this banger go for free, so make sure to support them on their socials as way of a thank you! Check it out at the link below.


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