MOTi feat. Yton – The Game [Interstellar]

MOTi is famous for its festival sounds. His tracks with Martin Garrix , Tiesto, W&W or Major Lazer can be heard at every big stage. Now comes something new from and from the area of ​​Pop Music! “The Game” is his new single on Interstellar Label and can be assigned to the area of ​​radio-related tracks.

For , MOTi alias Timo Romme has been on the road in the electronic music scene, playing at every major festival. Therefore, most of his tracks are perfect for festivals produced.

However, his new single is quite different and rather suitable for the radio. “The Game” begins with phenomenal vocals by Yton and is accompanied with good, powerful sounds.

With the Funkbassline, which is reminiscent of the 80s, this track is definitely a great way to dance. Instead of the usual, well-known hard drops of MOTi, “The Game” is accompanied by a melodic refrain. A very quiet, danceable sound, peppered with many drums.

Listen to MOTi's new track below or buy/stream it here.

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