Maxon – Monumentum (Original Mix) [Free Download]

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Maxon‘s new era starts with his new track which is available as a free download and it's called “Monumentum“.

Hi guys,

today is pretty special for me. I finally can say: #Monumentum is out now. And as just a little of you know, this track is really important as I recently finished it after working something close to a year on it. Sure, I decided to leave it alone for some weeks here and some weeks there, focusing on other productions instead but still, I didn't want to give up on the track as it demanded a bunch of time and lots of efforts. I didn't want the track to end up in the drawer, not by any means and yet, I will close one chapter and open up a new one.

Some of you already recognised that things are changing rapidly here. I am moving into a new studio with my close friends Tom Appetite and Aacht. And moving into a new studio will mean a bunch of more work, professionalising musically, sound- and production-wise added by the fact that I was tired of the sound I grew up with in the last two . Two years I am absolutely thankful for as I received so much love and so much support from all of you guys, from my label , especially Chris, my friends, family and my management.

Still, #Monumentum will close one chapter today and open up a new one. I'm changing musically and I hope you guys will be exactly as excited about my new productions as I am. I will of course try to give you a closer insight in my forthcoming productions, my new studio and all other things that are happening right now. But for now, enjoy my new track #Monumentum, which I am releasing as a free download for you guys, that have been supporting me consistently during the last months.

Thank you for all the support!

Much love,
Oliver (Maxon)

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Download ‘Monumentum' for free here ►

Artwork by Nikita Konkin

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