
Vida & Shaan – Hologram [Metanoia]

Vida hailing from the Netherlands teams up with India's pride posession to deliver a peak time dancefloor anthem for the masses.

A brilliant blend of melodic and big room vibes have been injected into this top class rendition on Metanoia‘s arsenal.

[av_one_third first av_uid='av-5kwlsz']

[/av_one_third] [av_one_third av_uid='av-4338fn'] Shaan recently collaborated with  for “Hooya” on Armada, whereas Vida is widely known for his track with called “Knives” on . [/av_one_third] [av_one_third av_uid='av-21w7bn']


Their new track is titled “Hologram” and is set for release on January 25th!

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