Fabric – one of the jewel's in Britain's nightlife crown and admired and loved internationally – has, despite all the fantastic hard work done by so many stakeholders in the last 18 months, been closed pending review.
This is a time for all of us to have our voices heard together – and make sure we are heard. Everything hangs in the balance. An enormous amount hangs in the balance right now and the world's eyes are upon us all. What happens to Fabric happens to us all.
Please sign the petition here and share across social media including the official hashtags #SaveFabric and #nightlifematters
From Alan Miller, Chairman of Night Time Industries Association:
“We are hopeful and confident that with all the fantastic work done by so many stakeholders across London recently, that Islington Council will find a way along with the Police to ensure that what the Mayor of London has said – and what we all want and need – that Fabric will be able to continue operations, leading the way as it does internationally and in the UK with it's “gold standard” of professionalism and for us to retain one of Britain's most loved cultural gems.”
From Cameron Leslie, co-founder of fabric:
“As you know by now fabric is facing the very real threat of closure on Sept 6th. If fabric's licence is revoked or onerous conditions placed upon it that make it impossible to operate the London will lose yet another venue. However, stringent the operating policies and procedures, venues are currently too far downstream on the problems and risks to avoid the inevitable.
We are asking that the Police work with us as they did for such a long time to take the challenges we all face head on. Please take a moment to sign the petition on the link below and share with friends, family and fans, hopefully the London Borough of Islington and the Mayor will take note.”
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