FACT & Insane Announce Massive 2016 line ups for Pacha Barcelona

 has got a fine season of underground events all lined up for 2016 first quarter. The famous club brand's Spanish outpost boats all the light, sound and fantastic production you would expect, and parties from top brands like FACT and Insane as well as more besides.

FACT & Insane recently celebrated their first birthday with weekly events in Barcelona every Sunday at Pacha Barcelona, gaining fans from all over the dance world as a result. Because of this it makes perfect sense they are to return to their home and be the lead Sunday night event at the much loved Pacha Barcelona, collaborating with Spanish heavy weights FACT to program a line up with everyone from to all lining up during 2016 Sundays.

The Insane season kicks off on January the 3rd after NYE event with , Paco Osuna & Andre Buljat with line ups programmed together with the FACT Barcelona team including Robert Dietz, following with  and ending the first month of the year with techno titans  (24th) and in tow (30th for FACT Showcase alongside HERR). February starts the week after having romanian trio Premiesku playing live alongside Rick Maia and Herr, then it will be the turn of FACT with Sebastian Mullaert on 14th, mostly known for his productions as MinilogueFUN Records Showcase starring it's founders Barem and Alexis Cabrera and Carlo Lio to end up with an eclective mood.

Another massive Insane month then unfolds on March 6th with YAKAZI night counting with three showcases and the prominent date of the one and only Sven Väth taking over the club. Before the ensured highlight of Cocoon's boss, a sure to be sold out show on  Alphahouse label owner Butane, german trio Rework live and Andre Buljat will spread YAKAZI's sonic seal for the very first date of one of the most solid month of Fact & Insane at Pacha Barcelona. And if that was not enough, the following weeks will be leaded by two close FACT associate as Watergate and MobileeTiefschwarz and Mathias Meyer on Sunday the 20th and Re.YouLee Van Dowski and Reelow as a closing night for the first quarter of 2016.

As such Pacha Barcelona has parties line-up to rival any underground club in the world, so be sure to make the trip out.

LINKS: www.facebook.com/FACT.WORLD.WIDE
LINKS: www.facebook.com/PachaBarcelona/


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