Danish rising star Caius releases a fresh gust of energy in the shape of ‘Your Love’, a destined radio gem...
Caius has been active for a couple of years now, and the young Danish producer has really caught the internet’s attention. It all started at his parents home in the suburbs of Copenhagen, where Caius taught himself to produce and released his tracks on Soundcloud. The world started listening, and it didn’t take long before blogs on Hype Machine started promoting his tracks. Streaming numbers from all over the world counting over two and a half millions on his self-released tracks is a proof of the young producers’ talent. You can sense inpiration from the likes of Daft Punk and newer acts like FKJ and Cherokee in Caius’ music, which is characterised by using R&B vocal samples, jazzy keyboards and a general love of everything soulful. The music is the perfect soundtrack for a hazy summer day.