Chelsea Cutler Debuts Kinetic Music Video for “You Make Me” on Ultra Music

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Chelsea Cutler is redefining the female indie pop artist20-year-old singer, songwriter, producer represents a new generation of women who are taking control of their artistry and dispelling the myth women aren't or can't be producers. 

Earlier this year Chelsea Cutler released “Your Shirt,” the first single off her fully self-written and self-produced debut “Snow In October” EP. The track is a bashful confessional anchored on youthful tropes of unrequited love and romantic insecurity and to date has garnered over 20 million Spotify streams.

Chelsea Cutler quickly followed up “Your Shirt” with equally glittering singles “Sixteen” and “You Make Me,” putting her penchant for writing can't-get-it-out-of-your-head lovelorn lyrics on display.

Now she shares the music video for the latest track “You Make Me” on Ultra Music. Filmed in New York City and directed by Charles Todd (who has shot documentary style features for Rihanna, Jay-Z, , and Kendrick Lamar), the clip explores the rise and fall of a relationship, but finishes where the story began, leaving the future of the relationship up to the viewer's interpretation.

Chelsea Cutler explains, “Relationships rise and fall, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're over. I wanted to leave the ending of the video up to the audience's discretion.” The kinetic and disorienting pace of the video is created by stark contrasts of light, framing and aspect ratios.

You Make Me” is out now off of Chelsea's upcoming “Snow In October” EP, due out on October 6th on Ultra Music.


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Chelsea Cutler – You Make Me (Music Video)

Chelsea Cutler – You Make Me

Chelsea Cutler – Sixteen

Chelsea Cutler – Your Shirt

Chelsea Cutler Socials:

Facebook / Spotify Soundcloud / Twitter



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