Worakls has launched the intriguing official video for ‘Nikki’, the second single from his acclaimed debut album Orchestra. Taken...
Having spent the last ten years travelling the globe’s most prestigious concert halls and festivals, Worakls’ journey into composition started at the age of 3, learning the piano amidst his family of musicians. With the forthcoming ‘Orchestra’ album providing a wide spectrum of inspirations, Worakls aims to birth a fresh sound, working with orchestral recordings as well as synthesized elements.
Worakls has unveiled the cinematic official video for ‘Entrudo’. The lead single from his highly anticipated debut album ‘Orchestra’ which...
Multi-faceted musician and co-founder of the Hungry Music label, Worakls, has unveiled his stunning production ‘Orchestra’, an ambitious project filled...
Multi-faceted French musician Worakls has unveiled his brand-new single ‘Cloches’, a stunning production taken from his forthcoming Orchestra project. A uniquely reflective...