Relentless Beats and Insomniac announced the debut of a new drive-in “park ‘n rave” series, with the first installment taking over Wild...
Seven Lions
Seven Lions
Jeff Montalvo (born March 31, 1987), known professionally as Seven Lions, is an American DJ, record producer, instrumentalist and remixer from Santa Barbara, California. Active musically since 2010, his music combines styles as diverse as trance, melodic dubstep, drum and bass, glitch hop, and electro house. He has released five EPs, multiple singles, and official remixes for record labels such as Casablanca Records, OWSLA, Viper Recordings, Anjunabeats, Republic Records and Monstercat.
3LAU’s debut Anjunabeats smash, ‘Tokyo’ feat. XIRA, returns with a heavy-hitting rework from melodic bass pioneer, Seven Lions. Sirius XM...
NGHTMRE reworks “First Time” by Seven Lions, SLANDER & Dabin feat. Dylan Matthew via Ophelia Records
One of the biggest electronic jams of 2018 is finally getting an even bigger remix. “First Time,” the ubiquitous dance...
On the back of one of dance music’s biggest collaborations this year – Above & Beyond and Seven Lions with...
Seven Lions has been no stranger to Above & Beyond since he won an official remix competition for his version...
Relentless Beats recently announced the next round of artists for its 10th Anniversary edition of Crush Arizona 2019. Expanding to two days, Arizona’s...
Starting off the new year strong, Seven Lions has teamed up with Wooli and Trivecta for their highly anticipated collaboration...
Jason Ross has just unveiled his brand new single “Don’t Give Up On Me” featuring Dia Frampton. The single marks...
Earlier this year, Seven Lions teamed up with Israeli producer Blastoyz and reunited with esteemed vocalist Fiora. Moreover, for their psytrance smash...
Seven Lions teams up with SLANDER for their highly anticipated collaboration “First Time,” which melds heavy bass and euphoric melodies for a masterful...