Having earned a reputation through his excellent sets for the popular ABODE party series, UK producer George-Woodman Harrison has outlined...
GW Harrison
GW Harrison
Establishing himself as one of the key residents at one of the biggest parties of the year ‘Abode”, a party built around its residents and their love for house and techno, he goes by the name of GW Harrison and George was always destined to be a DJ. His father played a vital part in the booming nineties UK rave scene and being surrounded by a household of music GW willingly took to the decks aged just 12 and picked up his first DJ residency in a club, aged 13. This year has been an extremely successful year and has seen GW Harrison nominated by Darius Syrossian in the 2016 Emerging Artist category. The popular Abode @ Sankeys Ibiza became his local hang out, along with other Abode residents and George went on to secure bookings for the final year of Space Ibiza, hosting GW Harrison & Friends..With the summer of 2016 now being a distant memory, George has gone on to announce show, including Printworks, Annie Mac’s Lost and Found Festival, Elrow, LoveBox Festival , Knee Deep in Sound and We Are Fstvl main stage for his third year!.