Canadians Shadi and Waspy, known collectively as the electronic music duo DiRTY RADiO, have released a fabulously energetic music video for...
DiRTY RADiO’s discography is nothing short of infectious as ‘Is It Enough’ follows their collaboration with house artist Jafunk, ‘Pleasures’. ‘Pleasures’ marked DiRTY RADiO’s third official release of the year providing listeners with an eclectic and uplifting, electro-house sounds. The single is arriving along with the announcement of a third studio album, set for release early 2019. Since 2010 DR has continued to rack up impressive Soundcloud and Spotify numbers, achieving more than twenty million streams and counting. Dropping tracks for iconic labels such as Spinnin’, Partyfine, Majestic Casual and Mad Decent as well as securing T.V. and film features in productions including Gossip Girl, Awkward, Degrassi, Continuum and more; DiRTY RADiO continues to grow and evolve their progressive soul sound. With their soul drenched R&B and pulse pounding dance floor bangers, DiRTY RADiO is well on their way to becoming one of the hottest acts in dance music.
Bridging the gap between R&B and electro pop, DiRTY RADiO returns with a brand new electro-groove single, ‘Is It Enough’....
Throughout the past decade, Vancouver-based Dirty Radio has taken a newfound direction in the world of dance music with their innovative and...