deadmau5 presents ‘mau5ville: Level 3’

deadmau5′ label  has released the third instalment of its mau5ville series, a collection of fresh music and remixes, plus new material from other artists.  Among its 10 tracks, mau5ville: level 3 contains two new deadmau5 productions ‘Polyphobia' and ‘Glivch.'  There is also ‘Are You Not Afraid,' a new collab with mau5trap artist U.K. rapper Shotty Horror, supported with remixes by J. Worra and .

 Also included is the deadmau5 and Scene of Action pairing ‘Hurricane.'  Like deadmau5, Scene of Action is a musician with a heavy following on Twitch. The two connected on the platform and now mau5trap brings the track to the masses on level 3 with remixes by Mark Mackenzie and .
Up-and-coming mau5trap firebrand No Mana adds to the eclectic mix ‘Quests with Time Limits' and C.O.Z. offers ‘Over.'
Listen now here:


1. deadmau5 – Polyphobia
2. deadmau5 – Glivch
3. deadmau5 & – Are You Not Afraid
4. deadmau5 & Shotty Horroh – Are You Not Afraid (J. Worra F No Remix)
5. deadmau5 & Shotty Horroh – Are You Not Afraid (C.O.Z Remix
6. deadmau5 & Scene of Action – Hurricane
7. deadmau5 & Scene of Action – Hurricane (Mark Mackenzie Remix)
8. deadmau5 & Scene of Action – Hurricane (OFFAIAH Remix)
9. No Mana – Quests with Time Limits
10. C.O.Z – Over

mau5ville: level 3 follows level 1 and level 2 which were released in 2018. From level 1 came ‘Monophobia' featuring Rob Swiredeadmau5‘ most successful radio track to date. Currently supporting 8.5 million streams, the song has received support from many of the U.S.' major dance radio stations including KNHC (Seattle), WZFL (Miami),  and Evolution where it was the channel's #1 most played track.  level 2 features ‘Drama Free' featuring Lights

In the spirit of continuity, deadmau5 teamed up again for it's video with special effects mastermind Nick DenBoer who did his ‘Monophobia. The oddball characters from ‘Monophobia‘s epic house party are back for a clip featuring a special performance with Lights.  

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