KROSSES can now reveal their latest track 'On Your Own' on HEXAGON

KROSSES can now reveal their latest track ‘On Your Own’ on HEXAGON

Following on from releases on Mixmash Records, KROSSES can now reveal their latest track. ‘On Your Own‘ is out now on Don Diablo‘s imprint, HEXAGON. Listen to ‘On Your Own' here.

It is said that music has no boundaries and are a perfect of this. With Rohan from Bangalore, India, and Elias hailing from Newcastle, UK, the pair bonded online over their experiences with Dance/Pop music.

The duo have since created their own path within the industry, creating productions packed with euphoric drops and memorable choruses – as well as crafting darker material geared towards live sets.

Having performed at ADE and Shanghai's M2, KROSSES are proof that today's borders are simply imaginary lines.

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