finish my record

Armada University and Rodg launch brand-new ‘finish my record’ contest

Hot on the heels of a particularly popular contest with Norwegian dance music icon Ørjan Nilsen, none other than Statement! regular and Progressive Trance trailblazer Rodg takes over the reins to a similar contest on Armada University, the new producer platform operating under the wing of Amsterdam-based Armada Music. It's the brand-new ‘finish my record‘ contest.

Subscribe to Armada University at university.armadamusic.comW

Exclusively available to the almost 4000 producers who signed up to Armada University for free since the launch of the platform less than two months ago, Rodg's new course-driven contest offers a unique look into the Dutch DJ/producer's production process whilst also nudging budding producers to put their skill to the test and finish up what Rodg started in his course. The winning submission gets a collaboration with Rodg as a full-fledged release on . For more information, please visit the course page: ‘Rodg – Finish My Record'.

In conjunction with the release of his course and contest on Armada University, Rodg also launched his own Armada University sample pack on music creation platform Splice. In total, his sample pack contains 201 custom-made, Progressive Trance-flavored , all of which will prove invaluable for anyone wanting to learn from his course and/or compete in his ‘Finish My Record' contest on Armada University.

Check out Rodg's brand-new Armada University sample pack on Splice

Advertised as THE platform for music producers who want to learn, improve and become the best, Armada University was founded in collaboration with FaderPro and specializes in unique music production courses from an increasing number of established artists, including , Harry Romero, Thomas Gold, ATFC & David Penn, Ørjan Nilsen, GoldFish and more. Upon subscribing to Armada University for free, students not only get an exclusive 20% discount on all artist courses, but also get access to GUARANTEED feedback on their demo after purchasing a course, remix contests, free producer tips, music production blogs and other forms of exclusive content.

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