FuntCase & Wooli Team Up for “Man No Want War”

As if DPMO Vol 1 hadn't already shaken up the scene enough already with its mortifying levels of mechanized mayhem, the most fearsome face in bass brings a second volume, bursting at the seams with incendiary devices from the most ruthless names in dubstep, trap and grime.

FuntCase teams up with bass sensation for the thunderous “Man Don't Want War” featuring East London MC Clipson. Wooli's name has been inescapable in the global electronic music scene, with support from Excision, KAYZO, Snails and many more. Moreover sharing bus tours across North America with Bear Grillz and others.

“Man Don't Want War” features amongst DPMO Vol 2's massive 22 tracks of terror with a lot of artists. Flakzz, Ganon, Upgrade, himself and many more contributing to this entry to the series. And with the clouds gathering on the horizon, it looks like a particularly evil storm is brewing.

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