Rambla Records welcomes Tava with his “Nevermind EP”

Anderblast‘s label, Rambla Records, welcomes Italian producer and DJ TAVA on the family with his massive “Nevermind EP”, including collabs with Game Over Djs and Jack Note‘s debut “Nevermind EP” is a classy example of his versatility, a trio of original works! In his mini album you can find two fantastic collaborations, one with Game Over Djs, one with Jack Note and a cool edit for the Jack Note solo track.

The title track ‘Morphine‘ is an attitude-packed tour de force; compromised of aggressive arpeggiators and a tension-filled break. ‘New Era‘ is the perfect contrasting accompaniment, as a warm rush of strings covers a bed of intricate analogue effects and stomping kicks. ‘Return‘ rounds out the EP and it's powered by uplifting synth lines and a buzzing energetic bassline.

Italian TAVA is supported from many international artists such as: Tiesto, Dimitri Vegas & , , Sander Van Doorn, Bob Sinclar, Nicky Romero, EDX. , Lost Frequencies, Yves V and many more.

Nevermind EP‘ follows 's groovy single ‘Mad‘ and KAYYA's debut on Anderblast‘s label with her hot, sexy tune called ‘My Mother‘. JP Candela‘s track is Rambla‘s 6th original release continuing the great music offerings, such as “Technology“ by Milaneze Loris Buono, who delivered a track with an intense club but techy vibes.

Previously,  revealed “Whale” remixes on the upcoming fellow native artists , Game Over Djs, Dumbers and FunkyBeat. According to AnderblastRambla Records is a new reality in the Dance Music Industry. They claim they will not publish only tracks, but they will try everything to present music that creates emotions. “This is our philosophy: Innovation, Quality and Passion”, Anderblast state.

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