My Friend

My Friend – Exclusive Interview With The Rising British Duo

Born as a true passion project,  hurtled onto the scene when their unsigned, unreleased tracks debuted on 's ‘Future Fire' as ones to watch in 2018. James and Archie, both from London, met whilst DJing in Oxford back in 2011. Bonding over a shared love for a unique sound, they've since produced on various projects together, played around the world and released on some of dance music's most respected labels. Drawing inspiration from the juxtaposition of euphoric melodies and a driving depth, their authentic sound blurs the lines of house, techno and progressive. Viralbpm took the chance to sat dοwn with the British duo My Friend to discuss about their source of inspiration, upcoming releases and what's in store for the rest of 2018.

V1. You hurtled onto the scene when your unsigned, unreleased tracks debuted on Danny Howard's ‘Future Fire' as ones to watch in 2018. What's the unknown story behind My Friend? 

My Friend: We've been working on this project for about 18 months and at the beginning agreed with each other that we didn't want to unveil it until the time was completely right. We got the tunes to Danny and he played them that Friday on his first show of the year… Couldn't ask for a better start really!

V2. You're kicking off this year with the debut EP ‘FLYBOY014‘ out on Fly Boy Records. Tell us more about this work; are you satisfied with the final outcome?

My Friend: Yeah we are really happy with both those tracks. We wrote the A & B side separately but they really seem to compliment each other.  It's also been great working with the lads and their Fly Boy label – we are big fans of their music.

V3. The other track on your EP, titled ‘Solace‘ was one of the top 3 most listened to tracks from Icarus's BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix. Were you expecting such a resonance?

My Friend: It's always cool to see your music being received well, especially after hearing them so many times during the writing process – you start to go a bit mad and doubt whether they're any good or not, so it was wicked to see that track get such a response.

V4. You have already garnered support from DJ heavyweights, such as Paco Osuna, Lane 8, , & John Digweed, just to name a few. How does that feel? 

My Friend: It's a great feeling when you get sent over the first few promo reports and you see some of your favourite artists are digging your tunes. Definitely inspires us to get back into the studio to make more music!

V5. Your sound blurs the lines of house, techno and progressive. What's your source of inspiration and favourite genre? 

My Friend: We both personally have many different sources of inspiration when it comes to producing music for the project. However, we have a similar goal in mind when it comes to the final product and sound of My Friend. Artists like Lane 8, , , (early) Deadmau5, Pryda & KiNK are a handful of guys that we love!

V6. What are you plans for the future? Any upcoming tracks or collabs we should know about?

My Friend: We have a shed load of new music finished which is cool. Haven't thought about collabs just yet but it's something we will definitely be doing further down the line. We mainly just want to be gigging as much as possible at the moment. We already have a couple booked abroad as well as a few festivals which is really exciting!

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