Rambla Records release Anderblast’s “Whale” remixes by Havoc & Lawn, Funkybeat, Game Over Djs & Dumbers

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Italian duo Anderblast would like to their debut on Rambla records with some massive remixes of their first release, titled “Whale“.

Anderblast Interview | Havoc & Lawn Interview

Landed on their newly-established label as the 4th release, Anderblast trusted the “Whale” remixes on the upcoming fellow native artists Havoc & Lawn, Game Over Djs, Dumbers and FunkyBeat.

According to AnderblastRambla Records is a new reality in the Dance Music Industry. They claim they will not publish only tracks, but they will try everything to present music that creates emotions. “This is our philosophy: Innovation, Quality and Passion”, Anderblast state.

Rambla Records' bosses, Ricky Lugli Phill Guidetti, aka Anderblast before creating their own imprint, have previously released recordings on various labels including Size RecordsFlamingo Recordings and Cloud 9 Music, with previous releases “Genesis”, “Mohave” and “Theory” respectively, gaining huge backing from the likes of , Thomas Gold, Dannic, , Ummet Ozcan, and .

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