Nari & Milani

Nari & Milani and Kenn Colt reveal emotional “Come Back To Me”

Italian duo Nari & Milani join forced with Kenn Colt to reveal the emotional “Come Back To Me” EP on their own imprint WOOF Records.

Read our exclusive interview with Nari & Milani

The Belgian artist teamed up with to release a powerful and yet emotional tribute to Kenn Colt's girlfriend Dominique Lousberg, who passed away in a car crash.

Come Back To Me” has powerful melodies, soft guitars, and also touching lyrics are the main ingredients in this majestic and emotional collaboration

Moreover, the “Come Back To Me” EP contains also two dancefloor-oriented remixes from fellow Italian producers Anderblast and Game Over Djs.

Read also our exclusive interview with Anderblast

Rambla Records‘ bosses, Anderblast, remix focuses on guitars, whereas Game Over Djs feature a deep and techy drop, which makes the track perfect to be played in clubs at late night.

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