Lucas & Steve

Lucas & Steve x Firebeatz ft. Little Giants – Keep Your Head Up [Spinnin]

New music from Dutch duo's Lucas & Steve and Firebeatz on Spinnin' Records! “Keep Your Head Up” brings a full and joyous sound and an amazing featuring from Little Giants, delivering some delicate vocals on the record. Its delightful guitar licks, driven kicks and melodic leads will make you go sky high!

The track begins with a more complex melody this time, and we can identify two main layers. The vocal chops one, which creates an echo, is very pleasant and dominant. Then we have the synth one with this wonderful relaxing mood. At that point, it doesn't sound like an excellent track, but the best is coming.

As EDM Reviewer writes, it's all thanks to . The vocal is truly amazing, and I feel like they've chosen the perfect vocalist to fit with this relaxing melody. He doesn't have a specific tone in his voice, but that still matches very well with the rest. It's interesting to see all the elements involved in the background for this part. There are a lot of discrete elements, like the piano notes that appear only for a few seconds, or the guitar sound which appears only for half a second.

There's a little downtime after that, in which the melody becomes again the main element. It's at that moment, that one very simple lyric is emphasized and turned into vocal chops that are repeated several times to create an echo. This echo is not the same as the one in the intro, it's more intense and more easily recognizable. This moment breaks the traditional scheme of a chill track and that's what I love. And this thing isn't even the best part! During the ‘second breakdown', we can identify another type of vocal chops, more high-pitched. They prepare for the drop.

The background sounds change a bit, especially for the background synths which sound faster and different in their sound design. Then, the pre-drop vocal comes and the drop. Just before I start speaking about that part, I have to say that once again, the break is so smooth and well mixed with the vocal that when the drop comes, it's very surprising and impressive. The mixing and mastering are perfect here!

Afterwards, we finally have the drop. The bumpy beat of it, the wonderful synths mixed with the crazy kick, every little thing matches perfectly with one another. The fast appearance of the ‘Keep Your Head Up' vocal loop is very well added. This is a real effective and creative drop!

Viralbpm in a few days will happily reveal interview, which we have been working for some time now!

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