The very first Spinnin’ Academy as part of Club Spinnin’ at ADE 2017!

Spinnin' Records will be attending this year's Amsterdam Dance Event with a groundbreaking 3-day event: Club Spinnin'. Hosted by Spinnin' NEXT (Tuesday October 17th), Spinnin' Sessions (Wednesday October 18th) and Spinnin' Deep (Thursday October 19th), the full line-ups have all been announced now – check it out here, together with a glimpse of the official day program of the very first Spinnin' Academy!

It's a nice tradition by now; after festival season comes the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). This year, the biggest gathering of the dance industry takes place from Wednesday October 18th till Sunday October 22th. You can expect over 2.200 artists spread over 140 venues, and some 375.000 party people visiting Amsterdam, of which 5.500 are dance music professionals.


And yes, of course Spinnin' Records will be there too! After hosting its Spinnin' Sessions party in club AIR Amsterdam last year, the bar is raised this edition with a 3-day (!) event at the same venue: welcome to Club Spinnin'! As you can see, there's lots going on those days. Just check out the full line-ups below, and/or find Club Spinnin' on Facebook for tickets and more info.

Just so you know, the Spinnin' Academy on Wednesday October 18th takes place during the day, and has free entrance! You can literally drop by here, doing a Demo Drop with several Spinnin' artists, who will also be doing some masterclasses, sharing tips & tricks with you!

Spinnin' NEXT – Tuesday 17 October
Dante Klein

Mike Williams
Sophie Francis

Spinnin' Sessions – Wednesday 18 October
Breathe Carolina

Joe Stone
Kris Kross Amsterdam
Lucas & Steve
Mike Williams
Ummet Ozcan
+ Mystery Guests
Hosted by Mc Haits

Spinnin' Deep – Thursday 19 October

Ferreck Dawn

Nora En Pure
Pep & Rash
Sam Feldt
Hosted by MC Haits

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