Duke Dumont & Gorgon City perform ‘Real Life’ in the BBC R1 Live Lounge 

and Gorgon City performed their summer track ‘Real Life' feat. NAATIONS in 's Live Lounge with Clara Amfo this week.

Together with the soaring vocals of Nat Dunn from NAATIONS, Duke Dumont and Gorgon City brought a taste of the white isle to the Live Lounge studio. Alongside their performance of ‘Real Life', they pulled off an exclusive Ibiza Mashup, including six classic Ibiza tracks to this year's season.

Since its release, the original of ‘Real Life' has been taking the clubs by storm, already cementing its status as one of the songs of the summer. The track has received strong support from BBC Radio 1, with Pete Tong, Annie Mac, , Mistajam and Greg James all championing it. Now sitting on Radio 1's A List, ‘Real Life' is on the cusp of 10 million streams on alone.

The track has also received various remixes so far this summer from likes of Dillon Francis, Kilter, Murdock, as well as the Solardo mix. Additionally, Duke Dumont and Gorgon City have recently released the Tom & Collins remix and a stripped-back acoustic version of ‘Real Life'.

You can catch the artists performing again at this weekend at BBC Radio 1's infamous Ibiza Big Weekend.

Watch the ‘Real Life' Performance Here

Watch the ‘Ibiza Mashup' Performance Here 

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