The Chainsmokers present “Memories…Do Not Open” Album on Disruptor/Columbia Records

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The Chainsmokers decided a few months ago that it was time to give you guys an album of music.

As their song writing progressed and the music got more personal they started to feel like they had more to say.

They were writing songs about their selves and different things they were dealing with from past present and future.

They titled the album “Memories… Do Not Open“, because these songs are very personal to them, collections of private memories and thoughts that they now want to share with you and in the process make themselves pretty vulnerable but that's song writing and musics' goal, to open up and relate to one another.

The box in the artwork represents that collection of items your mom would throw together once you moved out and she changed your room into a gym or office.

For them this is like coming home and opening up that box with each item symbolizing a memory and feeling.

They think you're going to love this album and they cannot wait to share it with you.

They have poured their soul into this and we think it will show. So go get your advance Pre-Order copy now from the link in our bio.

Memories… Do Not Open” is going to have 10 brand new songs plus “Paris” and “Something Just Like This” with Coldplay. 

The super talented duo have also announced their show of their lives, for which every ticket grants you automatically a copy of the highly anticipated album.

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