The Chainsmokers – Paris [Disruptor/Columbia]

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Drew and Alex wanted to share with you their new tune “Paris“. They are really excited about this song because it feels like a really big step in our production and song writing. Known as The Chainsmokers, the duo tried to switch it up a bit and the song feels a lot more rhythmic and they pulled a lot of inspiration from bands we grew up loving.

Before we get to much into it check it out:

The Chainsmokers – Paris
Lyric Youtube w/ Alexis Ren:

The song is actually about something very personal. Its about a friend of them who struggled with a serious addiction and over the course of this lived in this fantasy world with his GF thinking life was great and they were just down for each other thinking they were living in this wonderful day dream of a life but in reality their lives were falling apart as well as the people around them.

But the song in a more general sense is about those times when you are one place in one situation but imagine you are somewhere else. Like those times you were laying in bed staring at the ceiling dreaming up a different situation.

We both went to college and might as well put those degrees to use a bit, so we dug deep into our english classes and put this definition of what the song means: Paris – A sentimental yearning for a reality that isn't genuine. 2: An irrecoverable condition for fantasy that evokes nostalgia or day dreams. So as you can see its a very special song for . Drew even shows off a little rap flow in the second verse if ya check it…

We go down Together,
Alex and Drew

The Chaninsmokers really hope you enjoy it and share it and appreciate as always your time! They look forward to making 2017 even more incredible and continue to surprise you guys with new music from ya boyz!
PS: They got some major surprises in store for 2017!

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