Ibiza closing news – Paradise, El Row, Afterlife, Rumors and more!

The colourful Barcelona brand takes up residency in the white island every Saturday over the summer at the world famous super-club Space Ibiza. Get ready to travel through a magic world never seen before where you will be the main character.

Humour, entertainment, happiness and raw energy together with some of the best artists in the electronic music scene. A night full of unprecedented fun, confetti, innovation, vanguardism and good music in one of the most important clubs in the world: Space Ibiza.

Discoteca | The End – Nuevo Mundo

Sante B2B Sidney
De La Swing
George Privatti B2B Mario Biani
Eddy M

Terraza | elrow City
 (all night long)

Sunset Terrace | KER Ibiza
Dale Howard
Ion Pananides
Alex Pott

Space Ibiza
Saturday 24th September
Event / Ticketing

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