Manse feat. Cornelia Jakobs – We Come Alive [Enhanced]

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It is quite difficult to put words on how talented Manse is. He impresses yet again as he brings “We Come Alive” to .

This new track brings in another vocalist, with Cornelia Jakobs on top-line duty. “We Come Alive” is Manse̵#8216;s solo debut on the Enhanced family, after remixing Thomas Hayes and Kyler England‘s “Golden” in February. Manse built his career around high-profile releases with and Revealed Recordings.

The breakdown begins with a chilled-out piano sound, with Cornelia Jakobs soon introducing her vocals. She continues her powerful sound as nuanced synths enhance the track further. Next, the progress of the track speeds up at a rapid pace. Manse decided to combine the sound of the drop with drums to hype up the drop. Soaring progressive synths meet with an awesome chord progression to bring pure progressive bliss. “We Come Alive” continues Manse‘s streak of unbelievably beautiful productions.

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