If you were still stuck on the tracks of yesteryears and kept looking for posts which would hint at a resurgence of those very tunes, look no further than and Sebastian Ingrosso‘s twitter where the Swedish powerhouses have something cooking in the kitchen. What instantly comes to mind is the memory of their 2012 hit track ‘Calling' featuring from the famous American Pop band One Republic. The track was undoubtedly one of the statement tracks of the era when EDM was on the rise and now the duo have presented themselves with an opportunity to provide an year defining track for when Electronic Music rules the radios.

The two forerunners hinted at the possibility of a collaboration when they took to their twitter handles to tweet, first from their own accounts about ‘Vocal House!' and then to re-tweet each others' post through their own twitter handles. Now, one need not read too deep into it but the two are surely heading for a collaboration which will feature some, as is usually expected, exquisite vocal work from the likes of Tedder or . Tune in for more updates on this.

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