Visual Recordings

EX1ST – Zephyr [Visual Recordings]

It is called “Zephyr” and it's a massive emotional banger tune already supported by Axwell, MAKJ, Shapov, Kryder, Tom Staar and is now available exclusively on Visual Recordings. European talent EX1ST, stands at 24 old and is quickly ascending the ranks of the electronic music industry with his infectious progressive electro sound.

THANKS @ShapovMusic for playing my track ZEPHYR on Axtone Party in MIAMI! -EX1ST

He has been immersed in music since his early childhood, being classically trained on the piano, drums and guitar. Eager to innovate and improve on a daily basis, EX1ST strives to create an innovative sound that speak for themselves. Supported by the most influential artists in the EDM scene and working as ghost-producer for many clients in the industry since year 2009.

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