Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman

Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman – Reflections [Buce]

As Code Red mentions -and we totally agree- Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman got creative in the studio without limitations. This resulted in the fresh tune ‘Reflections' which will be released June 17 on their own label Buce Records.

Where “Legacy“, “Daylight” and “Empire” fit the regular sound of & , “Reflections” is something totally new from the Swedish duo. It seems that the two DJ/producers broke the boundaries and stopped limiting themselves to a certain sound. We applaud them for that, because making music is following your heart and not limiting yourself or constantly meeting up to particular expectations.

Are we saying that what released the past is too generic and predictable. However, we love it when artists go beyond their creative boundaries and create something new for themselves. That is what the Swedish duo did and to be honest; it's sound tight!

Of course some might say: “This sound is hot, but is done before and they are jumping on the bandwagon.” So what? It still sounds cool. We don't know who sang it, but the female vocals are spot on. And though we only have a rip from instagram, we are pretty sure Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman made “Reflections” sound really crisp. Big bass lines, clean melodies, smooth build ups and a massive drop!

Reflections is out on Friday on all platforms through our label @bucerecords – all boundries are broken now, so much new music coming. #expecttheunexpected

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