Tom & Jame – What Goes Around [Revealed]

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Tom & Jame are a name familiar with the Revealed Recordings family, having released the huge collaboration with Dannic – ‘Clap', and singles such as ‘Combat' and ‘Find You' on the label.

The duo returns with ‘What Goes Around', a peak-time anthem that is sure to further establish the pair at the top of the EDM Hierarchy.

The track is a no-nonsense affair, with pounding drums accompanied by a lively melody that weaves its way through the tough kick.

The track completely switches up midway through, with the lead replaced by a relentlessly roaring bassline that is sure to do damage on the dancefloor.

The addition of a memorable vocal cements this track as a certified summer anthem and ensures that Tom & Jame continue on their run of astounding success.

Grab your copy on NOW via Revealed Recordings!

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