Bulletproof (DubVision Remix)

DubVision feat. Denny White – Million Miles [Kid Coconut]

DubVision have been rather quiet lately. In fact if it feels like months since they were on your airwaves like they've been “Million Miles” away. However, the wait has it's been oh so worth it with the first taste of their sound in 2016 sourcing from their remix of Nervo's “Bulletproof”.

The Dutch producers have been more notably recognized for their uplifting and blissful progressive house tracks. To name a few, the duo has released some of Spinnin' Records biggest hits such as ' Edit of “Backlash”, “Turn It Around” and “I Found Your Heart”. Distinctive with their remixes also DubVision have an esteemed reputation for the delivery of quality.

Continuing to carry with them an ever-expanding portfolio of illustrious tunes, it's fair to say their new material is met with an expectation, but also an excited anticipation. And their collaboration with  on 's impressive label, Kid Coconut, is no exception. Rather a continuation of that trend.

The Visionary Radio curators have compiled yet another progressive house sample that emphasizes the power of a good melody. Using a slightly more distorted and chopped style to prior records, it appears DubVision have attempted to alter their sound in its continual evolution.

Million Miles” is set to drop on April 15th, check out and enjoy the 90 second preview below!

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