Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman

Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman VS Tom Staar – Empire [Buce]

Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman are currently more successful than ever. When this unstoppable force of  inspiration is combined with the British shooting star Tom Staar, then the result is an “Empire“.

Their track has been circulating the Internet for some time now and it was thought that it would be a SIZE release.

, though in the meantime, established their own imprint called “Buce Recordings, which from the first months of its existence has previewed a few ID and unreleased tracks that made our anticipation even greater.

On of those tracks was also “Empire”, which was played on the first episode of the label's radio show, where the mastermind's of Buce announced its forthcoming release.

Tom Staar is experiencing a similar success both in terms of Staar Traax‘s boss, but also as a producer.

Tom has released in the past few months some tracks that are thought as the best on their genres like “” and “Here Comes The Sun” remix, just to mention a few.

“Payback” successor

Empire” is set to create an impact on the EDM scene in a similar way their collaboration with Steve Angello did a few years before.

Empire“is Payback‘s successor, as the melody is a little bit more mature and especially euphoric contrary to “Payback”.

Well, here it is. Took a little while, but we are so happy to finally be able to release this one, says & .

Empire” on  has the potential to be one the biggest tracks of 2016 and we believe it will. Out on the 8th of April!

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