Ale Q & Sonny Noto – Hiamo [Flamingo]

Inspired on Asian sounds, Guatemalan talent teamed up with Sonny Noto for the up-tempo and progressive ‘Hiamo' on .

[av_two_third first av_uid='av-3wrtyd']It's such an energetic tune that will make you wanna move to its rhythm from the first play. Morgan Page, , and many more producers are among the widely-known names that already support “Hiamo”.

It's such an energetic tune that will make you wanna move to its rhythm from the first play. Morgan Page, Marcus Schossow, Blasterjaxx and many more producers are among the widely-known names that already support “Hiamo”.


[av_one_third av_uid='av-2mfvnp']


Flamingo Recordings will release “Hiamo” on Beatport on 01.02.2016

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