Martin Garrix teams up with David Guetta & Afrojack for two collaborative tracks!

took to Instagram this week to post a photo of himself with fellow superstar producers and in the studio, with the caption “studio for the next 3 days with these crazy guys,” hinting at a collaborative track.

Studio for the next 3 days with these crazy guys @davidguetta & @afrojack

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Martin Garrix (@martingarrix) στις

All three producers are currently in Holland for Amsterdam Dance Event, one of the year's biggest EDM festivals, and seeing that all three producers are taking time out of their busy performance schedules to hit the studio together is a telling sign of their goal with this new track.

Guetta had previously hinted at a collaboration with Garrix earlier in the year, which we've yet to see the results of, and it's possible that Afrojack is getting on board with that collaboration.

We'll just have to wait and see the results of their studio time together. We will keep you posted as more updates become available.


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