autograf, the trio comprised of Jake Carpenter, Louis Kha, and Mikul Wing, are known for their original and imaginative contributions to the tropical house scene.
“Running” is their second original release ever, and comes six months after their first original, “Dream.” Though the genre is sometimes criticized for being overly simplistic, this deftly-produced track speaks for itself in response.
In true Autograf fashion, the soulful vocal is a perfect centerpiece around which the rest of the track is built. Funky instrumentals and percussion paint a sunny backdrop, and a syncopated xylophone section brightens up the breakdown. Autograf originally declared their personal manifesto as “making music for art,” and this goal comes to life with “Running.”
They created the track's artwork themselves, the first in a series of works they will create for each upcoming release. The pop-art inspired artwork is designed to resemble Coco Chanel because she was an “icon who sought to break societal norms and conventions.”